Senin, 16 Januari 2012

procedure text

Planting is a nice activity in our spare time. The following is guided information on how to plant a chili-plant easily. Here are the steps.
Firstly, dry a handful seeding under the sunlight
Secondly, put the seeding on the soil. It should be in open area
Next, wait it. There will come out the sprout after that let it be bigger.
Finally, put in another big pot. It will soon grew bigger and bigger and yield us some fresh chilies soon.

Generic Structure Analysis
Goal                 : informing on how to plant chilies
Material           : excluded
Steps                : showing the steps or method in planting chilies, from drying seed to putting the sprout in big pot.
 Language Feature Analysis
Imperative sentence     : dry a handful seeding, put it, etc.
Action verb                  : put, dry, etc.
Temporal conjunction  : next, finally, firstly, secondly
Simple present tense    : planting is a nice activity, the following is a guided information
-      150 grams sugar
-      leaves pandan
-      3,5 tablespoons water
-      400 grams ripe avocado cut into 1 cm cubus
-      young coconuts meat scrabbed out
-      crushed ice
-      condensed milk

1.    Combine sugar, pandan leaves, and water in a small souce pan and heat for a few minutes over a low heat until sugar disolves
2.    To serve this dessert, place generous spoonfull of cubbed avocado, jackfruit, and young cococnut into a bowl. Add a little syrup to swetten top with crushed ice and drizzle on a litlle condensed milk
3.    Serve 4 – 6
4.    Preparation time 30 minutes.
                  Answer these questions!
1.             What is the goal of the text ?
2.             Hom many kinds of fruit are needed ?
3.             Where are sugar, pandan leaves, and water combined ?
4.             How must avocado be cut ?
5.              How long does it need to make es teler ?


Arrange the jumble sentences in a good order!
-          Iron your clothes
-          Prepare an ironing board, a bottle of a fabric freshener, and an iron.
-          Adjust the heat of the iron. Wait until the iron is hot enough
-          Cover the ironing board with some cloth make sure that it thick enough
-          Fold your clothes neatly
-          Plug the iron cable into the wall outlet
-          Spray the freshener directly on clothes

Cell phone is a modern communication device which connects one the others by voice, written message and data. However this device cannot work until the SIM card is inserted. When inserting the SIM card to cell phone, make sure that the cell phone has been switched off and follow the direction bellow:
First of all, press the locking catch and slide the cover then lift it off the phone. After that, push two catches in the opposite directions and remove the battery. Next, slide the SIM card carefully into the slot and make sure that the golden connect arson are facing to the connector of the phone.
Then, put the battery and align it until snaps into this place.
Finally, insert the two catches of the back cover corresponding slot in the phone and slide the cover, don’t forget to switch on the cell phone. Wait until it is ready to use.


Using a rice cooker is a simple and effective way to cook rice. Many rice cookers keep the rice warm after it’s cooked. There’s no need to watch the rice cooker since this appliances comes with an automatic timer that clicks when the rice is ready. This article will show you how to cook rice with a rice cooker so that you can say good-bye to burnt rice and ruined pots.
Rearrange the steps in a good order!

-          Then, place the washed rice in the inner pan
-          Press the switch .when the cooking process has started. The “cook “ lamp will turn on
-          Close the outer lid. Make sure to lock properly until it “clicks”
-          Wash the rice in a separate bowl
-          Be sure to wipe dry the outside of the inner pan. Then, place the inner pan into the body and turn it slightly to the right and left until it seats properly
-          Plug the cord to outlet. The “warm “ lamp will turn on
-          Add water into the inner pan. Markings inside the pan show the amount of water required.
Example: if you have used two measures of rice, add water to line marked 2, and so forth. You may adjust it depending upon the types of rice and your preference
-          When rice is ripe the switch will pop up and “warm“  lamp lights to show that the rice warmer function is working. After the switch pops up, leave the lid closed for at least 15 minutes before serving the rice.
Answer these question bellow!
1.        What is the advantages of using  rice cooker?
2.        Give the explanation about steps of cook rice in rice cooker by your own word!

Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

Practical English Conversation

This is a conversation on the phone. You can use it in your daily conversation to help improving your English.

Mr. Archer  : Hello. May I speak to Mr.Jones?
Receiver     : Who's calling, please?
Mr. Archer  :  John Archer
Receiver     : Hold the line, please.
Mr. Archer : Right
Receiver     : He's on the other phone, sir. Will you wait?
Mr. Archer : Ok.
Receiver     : Sorry to keep you waiting, the line's still busy.
Mr. Archer : Never mind then, I'll hang up.
Receiver     : Will you call back, Sir?
Mr. Archer : No, can I have a message?
Receiver     : Certainly
Mr Archer  : Ask him to call my office and let me know about dinner tonight?
Receiver     : You're Mr. Archer, right?
Mr. Archer : That's right
Receiver     : Does he have your number, Sir?
Mr Archer  : Yes, he does.
Receiver     : Thank you, Mr. Archer. Goodbye.

cerpen "sahabat keluargaku"

Tertegun aku sejenak, mendengar suara yang memanggil-manggil di belakang ku. Apa aku yang dipanggil? Rasanya suara itu tak asing bagiku! Aku pernah mengenalnya. Sudah lama aku tak mendengar suara ini. Rasa penasaran ku memuncak, ingin tau siapa pemilik suara itu? Dan aku pun menoleh “ mbak…. mbak… ini dompetnya terjatuh tadi!” dia berkata padaku.
Ku angkat dagu ku dari pandangan uluran tangan itu. Bak petir menyambar di siang hari, bergetar hati dan jantungku, bahkan tubuhku pun menggigil melihat seorang wanita berpakaian lusuh, compang-camping dan sepertinya tak terurus ini. Aku sangat mengenalnya bahkan lebih dari itu, dia sahabat karibku, sahabat senasib dan seperjuangan dengan ku dulu.

Tanpa berkata sepatah katapun,tanpa ragu-ragu salah orang, aku langsung memeluk dan mendekapnya. Tak tau apa yang ku rasa saat itu,yang jelas semuanya campur aduk menjadi satu.Ada senang, sedih, haru, kasihan, iba, pokonya nano-nano deh!

"Fan... apa yang terjadi denganmu? kenapa hidupmu berubah 180 derajat begini? mana Fani yang dulu, yang cantik, modis, glamour and tajir? ini serasa mimpi" bertubi-tubi pertanyaan dariku menghujani Fani.
"Sandra, aku masih fani yang dulu, hidupku saja bukan hidupku yang dulu."
Fani mengajak aku duduk sejenak di bawah pohon untuk menjawab satu per satu pertanyaanku. "San, semenjak kita berpisah, aku ikut keluargaku ke Jakarta. 1 tahun kemudian aku dilamar oleh seorang pria, mas Danu dan kami menikah hingga akhirnya punya seorang anak yang aku gendong ini. Kehidupan kami begitu bahagia dalam keluarga kecil, apalagi keluarga besarku" Fani tersenyum mengenang masa-masa indahnya.
" Ketika Zilan, anakku berumur 5 bulan kami melakukan perjalanan ke Yogyakarta sekeluarga besar untuk berlibur. Tapi, naas-nya kereta yang kami tumpangi mengalami kecelakaan. Seluruh keluargaku tewas dalam kecelakaan itu, hanya aku dan anakku yang masih hidup,tapi aku mengalami luka yang cukup serius hingga aku dirawat dua setengah bulan di rumah sakit" Fani yang tadinya tersenyum sekarang wajahnya berubah menitikkan bulir-bulir airmata.
"Tapi masih untung ada tetangga yang merawat anakku selama aku di rumah sakit. Uangku dan tabungan keluargaku habis untuk membiayai pengobatanku sampai semuanya harta benda keluargaku terjual. Dari situlah kehidupanku mulai menurun hingga aku tak punya apapun sama sekali untuk beli susu anakku."
"Ada seorang ibu yang menolongku dan mengajak aku kesini, tapi tak lama kemudian beliau meninggal dan pada akhirnya tinggal lah aku berdua dengan anakku. Setiap hari aku membawa anakku mengais rezeki menjadi pemulung, hanya itu yang dapat aku lakukan. Aku tidak ada pilihan lain, mau tidak mau harus ku jalani hidup ini, aku harus membesarkan anakku."
Tak terasa mata kami berdua sudah merah dan basah oleh air mata. Ku peluk tubuhnya erat-erat, tak kuasa hatiku memendungnya. " Sekarang kamu tidak berdua saja dengan anakmu, ada aku, aku adalah keluargamu. bukankah dulu kita pernah mengatakan kita bersaudara? mulai hari ini kalian berdua adalah bagian dari hidupku, kamu tidak akan menanggung penderitaan ini sendirian Sandra"
Mulai detik itu Sandra tinggal bersama keluargaku, aku senang melihat dia sudah bisa tersenyum jernih lagi dan anaknya tumbuh besar tidak terlantar. kebahagian Sandra kebahagiaan kami juga sekeluarga. Semoga kamu selalu bahagia Sandra.

first posting

hai... teman2! ini postingan pertama saya. saya akan berbagi banyak hal dan informasi dengan anda pada blog ini. dan anda bisa menuliskan komentar